I always feel great to see people who writes hundreds of lines of complex code and give it for free. To be frank I am still one among the guy who uses the open source code to earn money. So for a change I thought of using all free ware to build a NGO site for ma friend. This site (ilampirai.8m.com) not gonna work around any big technologies ilke Ajax,j2ee etc, its gonna have plain htmls and this yabb forum . Installing the YABB forum just took few mins, and as of now it runs really good. It got all the basic requirements of forum except that it needs different authentication . But its fine, little workaround in YABB code gives me hope to use the YABB authentication for my entire site. Thanks YABB developers keep rocking....

in reference to: Free Forum Software - Yet another Bulletin Board (YaBB) - Open Source, Perl (view on Google Sidewiki)

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